Products available from the Art Shop, Bower Ashton
Acetate, A4 and A3. Acrylic Gesso. Acrylic medium, various. Acrylic paints, range of. Adhesive pads, Audio cassette.
Blank CDs and DVDs. Blades, various; Bluetack/Whitetack. Board, various colours, sizes etc. Brush sets, assorted. Brush tubes. Brushes, range of. Bulldog clips.
Canvas panels. Charcoal, range of. Compass sets. Conté crayons, range of sets.
Data storage discs, Mac/PC. Data storage disc boxes. Dippers, double. Display books, various sizes.
Erasers, assorted. Erasing shields.
Fixative, assorted sizes. Flexicurves, assorted sizes. Flip files. Foamboard, three sizes. French curves.
Gilding materials. Gouache, range of and sets. Graphite powder. Graphite sticks and pencils. Gum arabic.
Ink, range of sizes, colours and sets. Ink reservoirs.
Knives, assorted; cutting, painting.
Leadholder for 2mm leads. Leads, assorted. Letraset, various. Lined books, a range of. Lino blocks. Lino cutters. Linseed oil.
Mark resist sheets, 150 and 400 micron. Masking fluid. Mounting board, A3 and A1, various colours.
Needles, assorted pack. Nibs, range of. Notebooks, various.
Oil paints, range of.
Pads, range suitable for various media. Paint mixing trays. Paper, various colours, sizes etc. Pastels, sets, range of various colours. Peg bars. Pins, assorted. Plastic tape, assorted colours. Pens, range of. Pencils, range of. Pencil sharpeners. Photo-gloss inkjet paper and film. Photocopy transparency sheets, various. Plastic bags, assorted sizes. Portfolios and art tubes. Pritt stick. Protractors. PVA glue.
Rabbit skin glue. Rollers, various sizes. Rulers, various sizes.
Scalpels and blades, assorted. Scissors, assorted. Sellotape, inc double sided and magic tape. Set squares. Sharpening blocks, Sketch books, range of; Sponges. Spray diffusers, Spray mount and Spray adhesive, Stumps.
Templates, assorted. Tools, wood and lino. Tortillons. Turps, various sizes. Twine.
UHU glue.
Varnish. Video tapes, DVC, Hi-8, mini DV, VHS.
Water-colour paints, range of. Wallets, clear plastic, two sizes.